
Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor has finally been discharged from Lucknow's Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science after her sixth test came out negative.

Kapoor tested positive during her fifth test, which makes her early discharge a matter of concern. Free Press Journal had highlighted how doctors conduct one more test 48 hours after the first negative test occurs,just to ensure that the test is indeed a negative. Doctors have highlighted a false negative case could result in a patient getting a relapse.

The 'Baby Doll' singer who arrived to Lucknow on March 15 was in London for a while. The 41-year-old singer went to UK to meet her children who are currently studying there. She allegedl hid her travel history from the authorities. After the news broke out that she had tested positive, journalist Poulomi Saha also revealed that Kanika had managed to escape the screening at Lucknow airport by hiding in the washroom.

Kapoor also threw a party at a five-star hotel. A large number of bureaucrats, politicians and socialites were among the others whoattended the party.

Medical officials are now unsure how to quarantine the entire building where the singer stayed and also subject the guests at theparty to tests.

The Total number of positive cases in India has risen to4,067.

TP News

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